Don’t keep it a secret! Spread the word and earn.
For every new person that you help to become a member of our JTA Credit Union family you will earn $1,000.
To open a new account your colleagues will need to complete our membership application form found here (please hyperlink this so they can click here) and submit the following documents: a valid Government issued ID, their last two payslips, a passport sized picture. After submitting the documents an initial payment of $3,010 should also be made at the nearest JTA Credit Union office.
How to Claim your reward
Once the application has been successfully completed and submitted to the Credit Union you can claim your rewards by simply sending an email to the email should include your name, telephone number, TRN and account number, along with the name and TRN of the new person you helped to become a member.
If you want to learn more or have any questions please contact us at 876-618-1706 or email