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By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of the JTA Credit Union, you have authorized JTACCUL to accept this as your consent and intent to sign electronically. You must use the unique user identifications, digital certificates, access codes, passwords and other identification devices (collectively "Security Procedures") as Jtaccul may issue to You or otherwise establish from time to time. You will safeguard the Security Procedures assigned to You, and will not authorize or permit any other party to access the System and/or any System Content. You will not alter, delete, disable or otherwise circumvent any Security Procedure or assist or allow any other party to do so and You shall be solely liable for any such occurrence. You will notify Jtaccul immediately if You become aware of any unauthorized access to or use of the System and/or any System Content, or any loss or theft of the Security Procedures assigned to You.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the JTA Credit Union and the contents of the above stated declaration.