Mon to Fri 8:45am to 4:00pm

EASI Access Savings Account

There is no need to carry cash when you have a JTA Credit Union Easi Access savings account. Your Easi Acess Savings account comes with the new Access Plus Debit Mastercard, which is backed by international safety standards and has the following outstanding benefits:



The new AccessPlus® Debit Mastercard® can be used anywhere Mastercard is accepted worldwide (millions of merchants in more than 210 countries) including restaurants, hotels and online retailers.

The new card allows you to withdraw cash from over a hundred islandwide Multilink ATMs and over one million Mastercard and Cirrus ATMs worldwide.

Enjoy making your online purchases at millions of websites worldwide. Register your card in your favourite Apps and make those recurring payments.



Chip and PIN is a very secure technology, safer than cash.

The new AccessPlus® Debit Mastercard®  comes with a microchip that is used in conjunction with a confidential PIN (Personal Identification Number) code known only by the cardholder in order to validate a transaction with the card to make a payment. This chip is embedded with the necessary details about the cardholder.



Contactless payment puts you in control and protects your data. Your new AccessPlus® Debit Mastercard®  has a radio frequency antena that provides a wireless link with the POS reader. When the card is tapped against the reader, the information is transmitted in a highly secure manner within a fraction of a second.

Your card never leaves your hand, reducing the risk of loss or counterfeit, and each purchase is uniquely encrypted. You’re also protected against double billing, even if you accidentally tap twice.




Mastercard Global Service helps you anytime, anywhere and in any language, with reporting a lost or stolen card, obtaining an emergency card replacement or cash advance, finding an ATM or answering questions about your account.

This service allows you to receive emergency assistance related to your new AccessPlus® Debit Mastercard®, anytime, anywhere, through a simple phone call.  You just have to call the toll-free number of Mastercard Global ServiceTM in Jamaica 0800-307-7309, 24 hours a day, and a Mastercard representative will be eager to assist you. Contact information is located at the back of your card.



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Personal Loan Products

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Features of Personal Loan

All loans are not created equal, personal loan has become a great option for people to use.

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For funding medical expenses, hospitalization, surgery, No collateral required. Sed eget accumsan justo. Nullam nisl nisi.

Choose your amount

All charges are communicated up front in writing along with the loan quotation uisque euismdolor at tincidunt lorem sipusm is simple.

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Our loan rates and charges are very attractive lorem ipsums sitamet uerse ipsum.Curabitulectus mattis vitae.

Decide your tenure

Our loan rates and charges are very attractive lorem ipsums sitamet uerse ipsum.Curabitulectus mattis vitae.

Personal Loan - Eligibility

Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a personal loan.


Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years


Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000

Credit Rating

Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.

Frequently Ask Questions

If you have a question that deals with clients, customers or the public in general, there is bound to be a need for the FAQ page.

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